A f t e r . the . D a y
.portfolio. P o r t r a i t s C o u p l e s W e d d i n g s A f t e r . the . D a y B a b y B e l l y F a m i l i e s F i n e A r t s
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An After the Day photo session, also known as Trash the Dress shoots are for any formal gown (usually wedding gowns.. after the wedding or after the special event.) You bring back the gown after the special event is over and do a super fabulous fashion shoot. It doesn't have to be TRASHED.. but b/c the special event is over.. it's ok to if you decide to.. you can get it dirty or get in the ocean, or under a water fall with it... etc. These sessions are SO MUCH FUN!! And can be done with or without the Groom.